Jitmey’s Story

My name is Jitney Sherpa from Darjeeling. At the moment I reside and work in Nepal, at the house that Asha Bhawan Nepal maintains in Pokhara.

When I look back and see how miserable my life was, I can’t help but thank God for His love and all the good things He has done in my life.

My parents passed away when I was 15 years old and I went to live with my older sisters in-laws. While staying with them I began to use drugs and soon I was hooked. In order to sustain my increasing addiction I did a lot of wrong things like lying, stealing, etc. I managed to fool my family for a few years but as my condition became worse they finally came to know about my problem. They tried to help me but it was already too late; drugs were the only thing I cared for. At that time there was no rehabilitation center in Nepal, so I went to Delhi. By that time I was already married and had children but my wife abandoned me due to my addiction. After living in the streets of Delhi for almost 16 years I had lost everything, reached the bottom and was completely hopeless. It was then that I came to know about Asha Bhawan and decided to give it a try. I was also very sick with an infected abscess in my leg and couldn’t walk without help. I thought no one would be interested in helping someone like me, sick, dirty and unable to move by myself. It was just the opposite; the responsible encouraged me and cared for me from the very beginning. They gave me a shower and clean clothes, they cleaned and dressed my wounds and showed kindness and patience in a way I hadn’t experienced before. Gradually I began to feel much better and decided to stay in Asha Bhawan. One day I stepped out during a prayer time and I asked God to come into my heart. I received healing and was filled with complete peace. Gradually God started restoring and working in my life. When I think about those days I still marvel at how God took me out of the streets and gave me a new life. It is a miracle that I am still alive!

A few years ago, when I came to Nepal to work with Asha Bhawan in this country, God gave me the opportunity to make contact again with my family. After so many years they thought I was already dead. Now I know that God has a purpose and a wonderful plan for my life, to help others who are broken and hopeless as I was and help them to restore their lives and find the same hope and peace that I now enjoy.



Jitmey Sherpa in Nepal